A new program by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
This program equips you with the knowledge to recognize communist-inspired ideologies and the courage to defend liberty.
This program equips you with the knowledge to recognize communist-inspired ideologies and the courage to defend liberty.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
- Ronald Reagan
The Promise and Peril of Communism
Recognize how Marxist ideas are influencing modern movements and institutions.
Meet the Dissidents
Jorge Galicia
Grace Jo
North Korean
Mailyn salabarria
A Nightmare Reborn: Communist-Inspired Ideologies in America
Recognize how Marxist ideas are influencing modern movements and institutions.
The Promise and Peril of Communism
Recognize how Marxist ideas are influencing modern movements and institutions.
Teachers And Students
Enroll now to access the full curriculum, including: - In-depth lessons expanding on video content - Interactive activities and discussions - Resources to take action in your community